Calvin and Hobbes 1: Thereby Hangs a Tale (Vol 1)
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,History & Criticism
Calvin and Hobbes 1: Thereby Hangs a Tale (Vol 1) Details
Calvin, cheeky, hyperactive and mischievous, and Hobbes, his cuddly toy tiger who, as far as Calvin is concerned is very much alive and kicking, are two of the most loveable and hilarious characters to grace the comic strip in years. Sit back and enjoy... Read more
To give this book of wonderful stories of a boy and his stuffed tiger anything less than a 5 would be sacrilegious. Being born in the early 80's I was at a perfect age to go to bed as a young boy reading these great comics. I feel Calvin and Hobbes changed the wayI look at the world, Instead of watching tv all day as a youngster I did the things Calvin did. I dug for treasure in my backyard, I went for wagon rides down steep hills in the woods, I played every day in the snow and made tons of snowmen in front of my dads car.I have come to realize that Calvin and Hobbes is not just a funny comic strip for a quick laugh, its so much more than that. Its looking at the world through different eyes and changing your perspective. Overall Calvin has changed me and I will never be the same.If you have never gone through a Calvin and Hobbes book please do and you will come to love this boy and his tiger.