LARRY STANTON: Painting and Drawing. Writing by David Hockney, Henry Geldzahler, Tim Dlugos, Julia Mayo, Arthur Lambert, Jr.

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LARRY STANTON: Painting and Drawing. Writing by David Hockney, Henry Geldzahler, Tim Dlugos, Julia Mayo, Arthur Lambert, Jr. Details

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(You won't find the self-portrait in this book. I purchased it from his executor, Arthur Lambert.) Full disclosure, I have been writing about the portraits of Larry Stanton for over two years. I write what I call 'duets' between the artist and each of his sitters. to view them, with most of the images in the book. I would say that the work here consists of some of his best, versions of work where there are multiple versions to choose from, even some which I might not have included, using the page for another example. The five essays, from David Hockney, Tim Dlugos, Arthur Lambert, his psychologist, Henry Geldzahler are critical to being able to place the work and the artist in the period.

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