Since the World Began: Walt Disney World - The First 25 Years
Category: Books,Travel,United States
Since the World Began: Walt Disney World - The First 25 Years Details
Traces the development of Walt Disney World using original concept drawings, photos of the park's construction, environmental awareness programs, and descriptions of park technology
Okay, when I say small book, I mean small by the number of pages. The rest of the size is what makes it a coffee table type book. I made this purchase as a gift, but own a copy of it myself.This book covers the planning, land purchasing, building and future plans for Walt Disney World in Central Florida. You learn how Walt learned his lesson in California and bought up thousands of acres so his newer park wouldn't be surrounded by a city. It is a city unto itself.If you or someone you know has always wanted to know the background of WDW and how it all came into being and what might be planned for its future, this is the book for you. I bought it for a huge Walt fan and he devoured every word inside, learning a lot of new things I had assumed he already knew.